Tag Archives: ignorance

Sayings (thoughts lightly coated with panache)

Sayings: thoughts lightly coated with panache
  • Greatness eludes those who think in ruts.
  • Many prefer the culture they were born into, blind and unknowing, to what they might freely and rationally choose.
  • For the benefits it provides are the privileges they were born to, shared unevenly, and the virtues it honors are the justifications for those privileges.
    • Rawls’s veil of ignorance is a test of the integrity of their situated choices, that is, their visceral political reflexes (the bricks with which the MAGA house is built).
    • Rawls’s veil of ignorance is a thought-experiment in which the subject being tested chooses a what seems the fairest form of government without foreknowledge of the social position they were born to in it.
    • If you don’t know about Rawls’s veil of ignorance, Google it! If you’re not using your device to boost your knowledge, you’re using it to magnify your ignorance.
    • And if you’ve been magnifying your ignorance, you’ve used your knowledge portal to step into a universe that’s all wrong. Blinded by the sirens and bullhorns, the bells and whistles, you’re marching off to battle as cannon fodder in someone else’s army. Look closely at the character of your leader. What does that tell you about where he’s leading you?
Let us in!
  • As Sweden knows, in NATO, Turkey is the new France.
  • And Hungary’s Viktor Orban is the new Quisling.
  • Somehow, we got the Little Red Riding Hood story wrong. It wasn’t a wolf. It was a bear.
  • And that same bear blew down the little piggies’ houses, the ones that weren’t made from durable NATO bricks.
  • Now, children: find the bear in the picture.